Category: Men of No Reputation

  • Lost Opportunities

    Lost Opportunities

    Whenever a book is published, it is more than likely that something the author wanted to include was omitted. Sometimes it is because there isn’t enough space; in other cases, it is because the author did not come across it at the time of publication. Men of No Reputation is no exception. This photograph of Eddie K.…

  • Men of No Reputation Out February 5, 2024!

    Men of No Reputation Out February 5, 2024!

    On October 31, 2023, the University of Arkansas announced that Kimberly Harper’s latest work, Men of No Reputation had been sent to the printers for publication in February 2024. A tale of con men, criminal conspiracy, and small-town politics, pre-order your copy now from any of the links on the Men of No Reputation page…